Sunday, June 26, 2005

Dennis did a superb job on the Cullen story just as he did previously with the one on Swango. I do wish that more focus would be brought onto the financial incentives to allow twisted minds like Cullen in the medical field but until people understand why it is allowed there isn't much that will change. Public pressure is the only way that this type of thing will be stopped or at least slowed down.
Cullen just got sloppy and as Dennis has pointed out these type of people that are focused on killing for whatever twisted reason are easily manipulated by others that have their own agendas going on. If an unethical administration is involved, (and there are many in this
country) for the individuals that wants to kill and for the institution that is cutting corners, it is a win, win situation. For the public it is a cruel act of betrayal and a classic presentation of pure evil at work.
If Cullen had not made the mistake of killing a priest he probably would still be racking up complaints to the police from the public while continuing to work in the same field. It is very unlikely that anyone in law enforcement would have been inclined to stop him if not for that.
Institutions of this type are very large taxpayers and all government agencies rely on taxes one way or another. Institutions of this type are also very large contributors to elected officials and often those same elected officials will go out of their way to have everyone turn their heads away from serious crime and simply pretend it is not happening.
As Dennis has pointed out, Cullen's list is going to grow but the focus should also be on who knowingly allowed him to continue and who aided him by covering up his actions.
Vickie Travis
Former Caregiver and Eldest Child and Daughter of Adam Wesley Arnold Managed Care Reform Council/President The Vickie Travis Show Politically Incorrect but Truthful HealthCare Information To subscribe to the newsletter, simply send a message with the word 'subscribe' in the Subject:

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Dr. D. Chevalier, IPC, CPPP, ACOFEI
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The Consortium of Scientific Investigation and Research
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