Thursday, December 11, 2003

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Sheriff is rebuked over Green River remark


King County Council budget leaders gave Sheriff Dave Reichert a long and angry verbal flailing yesterday for accusing unnamed county officials of believing that victims of the Green River serial killer "did not deserve justice."

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"I am just shocked that anybody would make that statement about any elected official," Budget Committee Chairman Larry Phillips, D-Seattle, said at a hearing at which his committee considered the sheriff's request for an extra $988,628 to cover overtime pay for Green River investigators.

Reichert didn't attend the hearing, but some of his top aides did.

Lacking a quorum, the committee couldn't act on Reichert's supplemental budget request. The full council, at its final 2003 meeting Monday, could approve the appropriation and prevent the sheriff's budget from ending the year out of balance.

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Dr. D. Chevalier, IPC, CPPP, ACOFEI
Executive Director -Behavioral Sciences Unit
The Consortium of Scientific Investigation and Research
Member- American College of Forensic Examiniers International
Investigative Psychology
W: 817-992-8993
F: 775-320-4804

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