Sunday, September 11, 2005

Today is one of my son's birthday. Alhough she (my X-wife) keeps moving and changing her telephone # and has never reported that data to me as required in the final divorce documents so I can't contact my son, I want all that read this message to pray.
Pray that my son know's I love and miss him. And maybe, just maybe an angel will wishper that into his ear and he will pick up a telephone and call me.

a sad Dad


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Dr. D. Chevalier, FIPC, CPPP, ACOFEI
Executive Director -Behavioral Sciences Unit
The Consortium of Scientific Investigation and Research
Member- American College of Forensic Examiniers International
Forensic Investigative Psychological Criminologist
W: 817-992-8993
F: 775-320-4804

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